Notable works of mine. See all the code at my GitHub
- VueJS
- TypeScript
- JavaScript
- Pinia
- NodeJS
- Express
- Vite
- Zod
- Tailwind CSS
- Python
Joy Read - Language Learning tool | FullStack VueJs, Express, TailwindCSS
- VueJS
- Nuxt
- TypeScript
- JavaScript
- Tailwind CSS
- PostgreSQL
- Pinia
- Zod
Blogging App with full CMS for minimalistic blogger | VueJs & Nuxt
- VueJS
- Nuxt
- TypeScript
- JavaScript
- Tailwind CSS
Portfolio site | VueJs, Nuxt
- WordPress
Ecommerce shop - WordPress
- VueJS
- JavaScript
- Tailwind CSS
- Pinia
- Express
- MongoDB
- NodeJS
Ticket support app - MEVN stack
- WordPress
- JavaScript
- Sass